Our Advanced Practice providers (Physician Assistants and Nurse Practitioners) can be utilized to enhance patient care in your hospital, clinic or specialty practice setting.
Physician Assistants (PAs) and Nurse Practitioners (NPs) offer many benefits to a physician's practice. With proper training and supervision, they can perform many of the routine services physicians would otherwise provide directly. This enables physician practices to treat more patients in a timely manner and increase the overall quality of patient care. They can create better patient flow, promote shorter waiting times for patients, extend care by improving access to patient services and free up valuable time for the physician to focus on more difficult and critical patient care problems.
The clinical services offered by our Advanced Practice team include:
- Patient histories and physicals
- Diagnostic testing and interpretation
- Initiation and management of routine chronic and acute health problems
- Order medications, lab tests and x-rays
- Health screenings for all age groups
- Patient and family counseling and education
- Assisting in surgery
- Post-operative managment
- Acute care procedures in the hospital and chronic care facilities
Consider how our PAs and NPs can benefit your practice. Call us today for more information on how to schedule Advanced Practice Professionals.